It has been a long while since we posted on here. I think we lost our momentum like the rest of the world. But we are back and getting busier as we head into spring break season. We finally have strengthened our crew and are ready to rock n roll! We have 3 new crew members that are in training right now and we think you will love them! They are excited, fun, and ready to get out on the water with you! I explore the beach with our guests on the Coastal Sealife and Shelling cruise and came across this cool shell with a beautiful orange sponge growing on it. So cool to see how interesting nature can be. The shell is a Florida fighting conch, one of the most common spiral shells we find on our beaches here. Sponge is an interesting organism that is an important filter feeder. This one decided to attach itself to this shell. Sponge can be commonly found in the area and some have commercial use. You can learn about the sponge industry here. We have been seeing lots of dolphins around the bay and have a couple newborn dolphins in the Ft. Myers beach area. They are adorbs when they are newborn, complete with fetal folds that they retain for about a month. Manatees are moving up the river towards Fort Myers and Estero but every now and then we still spot them on our tours. They are very transient this time of year in search of warm water. The water is a little cool for me to take the plunge but we had some passengers visiting from Alaska this on this mornings tour that found it delightful and went in for a swim. The weather in the Fort Myers Beach area has been phenomenal. Blue skies, plenty of sunshine, and warm. We are projected to hit 80 degrees on Christmas Day! Jingle all the way!!