Wow! What a great Marine Life Explorers Charter we had recently. Great family from Toronto and we all had a good time. The day was a bit overcast but that didn’t get us down. We started out the charter with dolphin watching and had a very frisky dolphin playing in the wake of our boat for a while. Then we stopped for some shelling where we found lots of live shells and some empty ones. Little Max and his family enjoyed learning about sea stars and hermit crabs that we found along the way. Back on the boat from there and ran into a large pod of dolphins that were schooling up a bunch of fish. What a show. The dolphins were jumping clear out of the water along with the fish that were trying to evade them! We continued on an had Capt Mike drop me off with Max and his Grandmother for a little kayaking and exploring on our own. Meanwhile the rest of the family went off with Capt. Mike for more shelling. Then we reunited and made one last stop at a shallow grass bed for some netting where we found a small seahorse, spider crab, and a huge lightning whelk along with a variety of other sea life. What a wonderful Marine Life Explorers Adventure we had!